Monday, May 8, 2017

blog 16

In 1861 Benito Juárez
was the president of Mexico. Mexico had Many financial problems.
I could not pay the money I had to pay others Countries. He owed a lot of money to three countries: France, Spain, and England. France, Spain,
and England sent naval ships to Veracruz, Mexico to Sue the money.
England and Spain spoke and negotiated with the leaders of Mexico. But the leader
of France, Napoleon III saw an opportunity. He saw that he could Convert Mexico to a French empire. He could dominate Mexico. Napoleon sent a large fleet of ships, weapons, and soldiers to Mexico. The French
people were very prepared and very strong. President Benito Juárez went to
North of Mexico to escape the French
soldiers.The French
were not afraid. They thought That
Mexicans would not cause them many
problems. 6,000 french troops marched to attack the city Of Puebla.In the
north, Benito Juárez formed
a Group of 2,000 soldiers.
The general Ignacio Zaragoza was going
to be the
leader of the Soldiers
. They were not professional soldiers.
They were not ready. But the Mexicans had a lot of heart and did not
they were afraid. They had to protect
the City of Puebla! Zaragoza and its
Men prepared
to defend the city.
The story of May 5 The French advanced to the city and stormed from the north.
The battle lasted all day.
500 French soldiers Died in the battle, and only 100 Mexican soldiers
They died The French left the city. The Mexicans Celebrated the victory. The battle of Puebla was not very important historically.
France eventually dominated Mexico. But for Mexico,
Was a very symbolic victory. It was a symbol of unity and
Of the patriotism of the people of Mexico.
France dominated Mexico for six years. The French leader
Of Mexico was Ferdinand Maximiliano. In 1867, the soldiers of Benito Juárez
Captured Maximilian and killed him.
Image: Southern Methodist University, Central
University Libraries, DeGolyer Library
Today, May 5 is not a very important day in
 Mexico. It is not an official holiday. But in the state of
 Puebla, where this victory occurred, there are many fiestas and
 Events to observe this day.
 In the United States, May 5 is a day
 Very popular, especially in areas with
 Latin people. It is a celebration of culture
 Mexican There are parties, Mexican food, music
 Mariachi, and the typical dances of Mexico.
 Many people think that May 5th is the
 Mexico's independence day. But this is
 incorrect. Mexico declared its independence from Spain on
September 16, year 1810

Monday, May 1, 2017

blog 15

Qebaptore: A Bite of Europe

#1 of 27 

Your Pie

#2 of 27 Results


#3 of 27 Results

Five Guys

#5 of 27 Results

Brown Bag Deli and Cafe

#7 of 27 Results

Lucky Dog

#9 of 27 Results


#11 of 27 Results
 comida que barato es bien 

Image result for chick fil a

Monday, April 17, 2017

Blog 13

  • ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? me favorita es mucho comidaImage result for alot of food
  • ¿Cuál es tu comida MENOS favorita? vegetalesImage result for vegetables
  • ¿Tú tienes alergias (comida)? no
  • ¿Qué comiste ayer? es Mariscos
  • ¿Qué comes hoy? frutasImage result for oranges
  • ¿Comes en la cafetería? noImage result for cafeteria
  • ¿Por qué / por qué no? comer no me gusta 
  • ¿Tú comes comida chatarra (junk)? si a vecesImage result for junk food
  • ¿Tú comes comida saludable? a vecesImage result for healthy food
  • ¿Cuáles son tus sabores favoritos? (salado, dulce, etc.) todas muchos Image result for sweet salty sour bitter