Monday, January 30, 2017

blog post #4

1. yo era impaciente
2. saltaba a la cuerda
3. me portaba bien
4. de nino consentido
5. yo era timido

Image result for nice kidImage result for impatient kidImage result for black girls jumping ropeImage result for impatient kidImage result for shy black girl

Monday, January 23, 2017

game (left right center)

                                                                    left right center 
 materials: playing cards dice and a cup     

1. you can have any amount of players and you start with 3 cards each card will have a meaning in Spanish 

2.when its your turn you roll and if it says left you give a card to a person of the left of you or if it says right you give it to the person to the right of you or if its in the center(cup) if it goes there nobody gets it but you still have less cards 

3.the person on the left or right has to say what the cards says in Spanish and the meaning in English and if they get it wrong they have to get a card out of the center 

4.the game keeps going on and the person with no cards left wins 
Image result for spanish body parts

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Mi Rutina

2. 5:25am me levantarse 

1. 5:00am me despertarse
3. 5:30am  lavarse
4. 5:45am  secarse
5. 5:50am  cepillarse los dientes
6. 5:55am me vestirse
7. 6:00am maquillarse
8. 6:10am me ponersa pelo la ropa
9. 6:15am hacer el almuerzo
10. 6:20am areglarse a escula

1. 4:00pm despertarse es necesario a siesta
2. 7:00pm me comer
3. 8:00pm verstrse a domir
4. 8:30pm cepillarse los dientes
5. 8:35pm lavarse cara
6. 8:45pm ponersa pelo la ropa
7. 9:00pm acostarse
8. 9:10pm apagarla luz
9. 9:30pm me dormirse
10.Image result for brushing teeth