Monday, November 14, 2016

  1. 08:00a : in the united states we usually have orange juice, coffee, tea and bagels or waffles and pancakes. in Spain they are popular for meats and usually have egg dishes and Spanish tortillas and have milk and hot chocolate.
  2. 11:00a: at 11 in the us usually its brunch so we could have breakfast foods and lunch mixed together and in Spain they usually have muffins and ham and cheese sandwiches
  3. 1:30p: this is lunch times so in the U.S we usually have lunch foods like sandwiches, burgers ,fries etc. in Spain they have stewed bull tail
  4. 2:00p in the U.S its still lunch time so we eat the same things and the same thing in Spain.
  5. 5.30p in the U.S thus is around supper time so you usually have dinner foods such as steak potatoes spaghetti etc. in Spain 5:30 is like a snack time so they usually have churros with chocolate pastries and ice cream
  6. 8:30p at 8:30 in the U.S its still dinner times so we have dinner foods. in Spain it is dinner time so they usually go places that are sit down dinning and have a wine meal  
  7. 9:30p it still dinner and in Spain its like a light dinner its not a heavy meal

  1. ¿Tú comes saludablemente? 
  2. ¿Tú comes en clase? 
  3. ¿Qué comes (típicamente) en la cafetería?  
  4. ¿Tú haces ejercisio? ¿Mucho o poco? 
  5. ¿Es importante ser activo? 
  6. ¿Es importante comer bien? 

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