Tuesday, February 21, 2017

blog 7

To travel/viajar
hotel/el hotel
hostel/inn/el hostal
to take a taxi/tomar un taxi
female passenger/la pasajera
female tourist/la turista
identification/la identificacion
male tourist/el turista
male passenger/el pasajero
to take photos/tomar fotos

monitor/la pantalla
key/la llave
ticket/el boleto
to go through customs/pasar por la aduana

I have visited Dominican republic and i liked it alot because the beach was really beautiful and i was with a lot of my family that is really close to me so we had a great time and we got to go snorkeling and dirt bike riding and zip lining. but when we first got there in the airport it was nice and a and van picked my fmaily up and we went to the resort. i hope to retain a lot of information in this chapter

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