Monday, October 17, 2016

cultural connections

U.S schools
in elementary school in the u.s they go to school at 8:00-3:00 a lot of states up north wear uniforms but also in some county's in the south do to. in elementary school they dont have alot of homework
in middle school school starts 9:20-4:10 you get the right amount of homework 
in high school school starts at 7:10-2:10 you get alot of homework and there is  usually alot of standard test.
in the u.s we go to school for 10 months but have winter, fall, spring, thangisving and christmas break and have 2 months off for summer

school in spain
in spain schools primary starts 9:00 aqnd ends at 12;00 its very different because schools only 3 hours and we have it for 8

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